Multi-Host Environments
Use XLA IFRT Runtime
While PJRT does support some minimal distributed capabilities on CUDA GPUs, distributed support in Reactant is primarily provided via IFRT. Before loading Reactant, set the "xla_runtime" preference to be "IFRT". This can be done with:
using Preferences, UUIDs
"xla_runtime" => "IFRT"
At the top of your code, just after loading Reactant and before running any Reactant related operations, run Reactant.Distributed.initialize()
Enable debug logging for debugging
Reactant emits a lot of useful debugging information when setting up the Distributed Runtime. This can be printing by setting the env var JULIA_DEBUG
to contain Reactant
After this simply setup your code with Reactant.Sharding
and the code will run on multiple devices across multiple nodes.
Example Slurm Script for Multi-Host Matrix Multiplication
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=matmul-sharding-reactant
#SBATCH --time=00:20:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=72
#SBATCH --account=<account>
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu
export JULIA_DEBUG="Reactant,Reactant_jll"
srun --preserve-env bash ./
#!/bin/bash -l
# Important else XLA might hang indefinitely
unset no_proxy http_proxy https_proxy NO_PROXY HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY
julia --project=. --threads=auto matmul_sharded.jl
using Reactant
Reactant.Distributed.initialize(; single_gpu_per_process=false)
@assert length(Reactant.devices()) >= 2
N = min((length(Reactant.devices()) ÷ 2) * 2, 8)
mesh = Sharding.Mesh(reshape(Reactant.devices()[1:N], 2, :), (:x, :y))
sharding = Sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, (:x, :y))
x = reshape(collect(Float32, 1:64), 8, 8)
y = reshape(collect(Float32, 1:64), 8, 8)
x_ra = Reactant.to_rarray(x; sharding)
y_ra = Reactant.to_rarray(y; sharding)
res = @jit x_ra * y_ra
Example Google Cloud Setup for Multi-Host Matrix Multiplication on TPU v6
For more details lookup the details in the official Cloud TPU documentation. For an introduction to Cloud TPU MultiSlice refer to the official docs.
Setup a Google Cloud Account
As a pre-requisite to this example, users need to setup a Google Cloud Account as detailed in Set up the Cloud TPU environment.
First setup the Environment Variables based on the configuration that you want to run.
export QR_ID=sharded-single-slice-reactant-test
export PROJECT=<project name>
export ZONE=asia-northeast1-b
export RUNTIME_VERSION=v2-alpha-tpuv6e
export ACCELERATOR_TYPE=v6e-16
export SLICE_COUNT=1
export QR_ID=sharded-multi-slice-reactant-test
export PROJECT=<project name>
export ZONE=asia-northeast1-b
export RUNTIME_VERSION=v2-alpha-tpuv6e
export ACCELERATOR_TYPE=v6e-16
export SLICE_COUNT=2
using Reactant
mesh = Sharding.Mesh(reshape(Reactant.devices(), :, 4), (:x, :y))
sharding = Sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, (:x, :y))
x = reshape(collect(Float32, 1:64), 8, 8)
y = reshape(collect(Float32, 1:64), 8, 8)
x_ra = Reactant.to_rarray(x; sharding)
y_ra = Reactant.to_rarray(y; sharding)
res = @jit x_ra * y_ra
# Remember to set the Environment Variables first
gcloud config set project $PROJECT
gcloud config set compute/zone $ZONE
gcloud compute tpus queued-resources \
create ${QR_ID} \
--project=${PROJECT} \
--zone=${ZONE} \
--accelerator-type ${ACCELERATOR_TYPE} \
--runtime-version ${RUNTIME_VERSION} \
--node-count ${SLICE_COUNT}
# Create a Project.toml file and a LocalPreferences.toml
echo "[deps]\nReactant = \"3c362404-f566-11ee-1572-e11a4b42c853\"" > Project.toml;
echo "[Reactant]\nxla_runtime = \"IFRT\"" > LocalPreferences.toml;
# Copy these files to all the workers
gcloud compute tpus queued-resources scp ./LocalPreferences.toml ${QR_ID}: \
--worker=all --node=all \
--zone=${ZONE} --project=${PROJECT}
gcloud compute tpus queued-resources scp ./Project.toml ${QR_ID}: \
--worker=all --node=all \
--zone=${ZONE} --project=${PROJECT}
# Install Julia and Project Dependencies
gcloud compute tpus queued-resources ssh ${QR_ID} \
--worker=all --node=all \
--zone=${ZONE} --project=${PROJECT} \
wget --quiet;
tar xzf julia-1.11.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz;
rm julia-1.11.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz;
./julia-1.11.4/bin/julia --project=. --threads=auto -e '
using Pkg;
# Run the sharding code
gcloud compute tpus queued-resources ssh ${QR_ID} \
--worker=all --node=all \
--zone=${ZONE} --project=${PROJECT} \
--command="LD_PRELOAD='' ./julia-1.11.4/bin/julia --project=. --threads=auto <code>"
# Don't forget to delete the queued resources
gcloud compute tpus queued-resources delete ${QR_ID} \
--project ${PROJECT} --zone ${ZONE} --force --async