Shardy Dialect
Refer to the official documentation for more details.
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.all_gather Method
Gathers chunks of a tensor along axes specified in gathering_axes
The gathering_axes
is a list of lists of axes. The outer list is over the dimensions of the tensor. Each inner list specifies the axes along which a separate gather should be performed on the respective dimension. It will be applied to the sharding of the operand (tensor
) to obtain the sharding of the result (out_sharding
Note that out_sharding
is not used to determine the sharding of the result. Instead, the sharding of the result is determined by the sharding of the operand and the gathering_axes
, and out_sharding
must match this inferred sharding.
%1 = stablehlo.tanh(%0) {sdy.sharding = #sdy.sharding_per_value<[<@mesh, [{"a", "b", "c"}, {}, {"d"}\]>]>} : tensor<8x8x8xf32>
%2 = sdy.all_gather [{"b", "c"}, {}, {"d"}\] %1 out_sharding=<@mesh, [{"a"}, {}, {}\]> : tensor<8x8x8xf32>
Must satisfy the constraints listed in
.Elements in
must satisfy the constraints listed inAxisRefListAttr
to the operand sharding getsout_sharding
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.all_reduce Method
Reduces chunks of a tensor along axes specified in reduction_axes
. The order of reduction_axes
is not important for the result, but can affect the order of the corresponding replica groups.
Must satisfy the constraints listed in
must satisfy the constraints listed inAxisRefListAttr
must not overlap with the operand sharding axes;
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.all_slice Method
Slices chunks of a tensor along axes specified in slicing_axes
. There is an algebric duality between sdy.all_slice
and sdy.all_gather
The slicing_axes
is a list of lists of axes. The outer list is over the dimensions of the tensor. Each inner list specifies the axes along which a slice should be performed on the respective dimension. It will be applied to the sharding of the operand (tensor
) to obtain the sharding of the result (out_sharding
Note that out_sharding
is not used to determine the sharding of the result. Instead, the sharding of the result is determined by the sharding of the operand and the slicing_axes
, and out_sharding
must match this inferred sharding.
%1 = stablehlo.tanh(%0) {sdy.sharding = #sdy.sharding_per_value<[<@mesh, [{"a"}, {}, {}\]>]>} : tensor<8x8x8xf32>
%2 = sdy.all_slice [{"b", "c"}, {}, {"d"}\] %1 out_sharding=<@mesh, [{"a", "b", "c"}, {}, {"d"}\]> : tensor<8x8x8xf32>
Elements in
must satisfy the constraints listed inAxisRefListAttr
.Must satisfy the constraints listed in
to the operand sharding getsout_sharding
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.all_to_all Method
Slices chunks of a tensor along dimension tgt_dim
and axes specified in axes
, scatteres those chunks along the axes, and concatenates them along dimension src_dim
This operation is essentially a combination of an all-gather along src_dim
and axes
, followed by an all-slice along tgt_dim
and axes
, i.e., a suffix of the axes sharding dimension src_dim
on the input tensor is appended to the axes sharding dimension tgt_dim
on the output tensor.
The all-to-all will be applied to the sharding of the operand (tensor
) to obtain the sharding of the result (out_sharding
Note that out_sharding
is not used to determine the sharding of the result. Instead, the sharding of the result is determined by the sharding of the operand, src_dim
, tgt_dim
, and axes
, and out_sharding
must match this inferred sharding.
%1 = stablehlo.tanh(%0) {sdy.sharding = #sdy.sharding_per_value<[<@mesh, [{"a", "b", "c"}, {}\]>]>} : tensor<8x8xf32>
%2 = sdy.all_to_all {"b", "c"} 0->1 %1 out_sharding=<@mesh, [{"a"}, {"b", "c"}\]> : tensor<8x8xf32>
Must satisfy the constraints listed in
must satisfy the constraints listed inAxisRefListAttr
must be valid dimensions (positive and less than rank of tensor), and different from each other.Moving
in the operand sharding getsout_sharding
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.collective_permute Method
Sends a chunk of the input tensor from each device to another to reorder/replace the axes that shard the tensor.
A collective permute can transform the input sharding such that each dimension must be as sharded as it was before, i.e., it must be sharded along axes whose product of sizes matches that of the axes that previously sharded the tensor.
This is useful for reordering axes in a single dimension or across different dimensions, and swapping sharded axes with replicated ones.
In the below example, the sharded tensor size is tensor<1x4x2xf32>
, and that is preserved by the collective permute.
sdy.mesh @mesh = <["a"=2, "b"=2, "c"=4, "d"=2, "e"=2, "f"=2]>
%1 = stablehlo.tanh(%0) {sdy.sharding = #sdy.sharding_per_value<[<@mesh, [{"a", "c"}, {"f"}, {"d", "e"}\]>]>} : tensor<8x8x8xf32>
%2 = sdy.collective_permute %1 out_sharding=<@mesh, [{"c":(1)2, "b", "f"}, {"a"}, {"e", "d"}\]> : tensor<8x8x8xf32>
Must satisfy the constraints listed in
.If input and output sharding have different meshes, then those meshes must have exactly the same axes and different order of device ids.
For each dimension, the product of sharding axis sizes in
must match that of the corresponding operand dimension sharding.
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.constant Method
Produces an output
tensor from a constant value
NOTE: SDY defines its own constant op that isn't ConstantLike and doesn't have a folder, so that we'll be able to duplicate constants without any greedy pattern rewriter folding them back into a single constant. In this way, constants can be sharded differently for every use, and no propagation is done between constants (or constant expressions).
%output = sdy.constant dense<[[0.0, 1.0], [2.0, 3.0]]> : tensor<2x2xf32>
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.data_flow_edge Method
A data flow edge of some op X defines a bridge between a set of sources (each is either an operand of X or an operand of X's block terminator) and a set of targets (each is either a result of X or a block argument of X), such that all sources and targets should be sharded in the same way.
An op can have multiple data flow edges that are orthogonal to one another.
For example:
y_0, ..., y_n = while (x_0, ..., x_n)
((pred_arg_0,... , pred_arg_n) { ... })
((body_arg_0,..., body_arg_n) {
return return_value_0, ..., return_value_n
This while op has n data flow edges, the i-th data flow edges is between sources x_i
, return_value_i
and targets y_i
, pred_arg_i
, body_arg_i
An sdy.data_flow_edge
takes as input the owner of an edge (can be any of the targets, but preferably an op result rather than a block argument), which shouldn't have any other uses. This op isn't pure because it can take an input that originally didn't have any uses.
The sdy.data_flow_edge
also holds an optional sharding for all targets of the edge, and that sharding should be updated instead of the targets' sharding (if can be attached) during propagation. This is useful when an op has many edges, as it's much more efficient to:
propagate through each edge separately.
update the sharding of each edge separately instead of all targets at once (e.g. an op has a single immutable
for result shardings).add each edge to the worklist separately when the sharding of a source has changed.
Propagation will propagate shardings between all sources and targets of a sdy.data_flow_edge
as if it was a regular op with the sources as operands and targets as results, and an identity sdy.op_sharding_rule
. That means that forward propagation is from sources to targets and backwards propagation is from targets to sources.
We don't allow the input of a sdy.data_flow_edge
to be defined by an SdyDialect
op, so we can assume that it's defined by an op that has unregistered sdy.sharding
NOTE: it's NOT the responsibility of the sdy.data_flow_edge
to link between sources and targets, it's simply attached to the owner of the edge. The op that this edge is bound to (while in the example above) is responsible for providing this information.
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.manual_computation Method
Jump into a region written in terms of per-device local code with explicit collectives, where logical shapes match local per-device physical buffer shapes and collectives correspond exactly to physical cross-device communication.
The body is local wrt the manual_axes. Propagation will occur through the body on any free axes - those not in the manual_axes list.
Elements in
must satisfy the constraints listed inTensorShardingAttr
.The number of global and local tensor inputs/outputs of the op region must match.
The manual axes must come before any free axes in each dim sharding.
The global and local shapes of the op regions arguments/results must match.
No manual axes are split.
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.mesh Method
Defines a new named mesh. All meshes in a module must have the same number of devices (except for meshes with a single device_id). The mesh is a Symbol
operation that appears in the module's SymbolTable
and can be referenced by its name
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.named_computation Method
Groups a computation, i.e. a block of operations, and gives it a name. Propagation will flow in/out of the region as if everything was inlined.
This can be used to handle propagating through call instructions to other functions. Any users of Shardy should write an import/export pass that converts their call ops to sdy.named_computation
ops, duplicating/copying the body of the called function into the body of the named_computation
The type of each block arguments and returned values in the region must be the same as the type of the operands and results type of the op.
%1 = sdy.named_computation<"foo">(%0) (%arg1: tensor<16x32xf32>) {
sdy.return %arg1 : tensor<16x32xf32>
} : (tensor<16x32xf32>) -> tensor<16x32xf32>
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.propagation_barrier Method
This op operates like an identity op, outputting the same value it took as input. But in terms of propagation, this will only allow propagation to flow through it in a certain direction.
This prevents shardings from being propagated between the uses of the result of the barrier op and its operand.
means shardings can only flow from the operand to the result.BACKWARD
means shardings can only flow from the result to the operand.NONE
means no sharding can propagate through this op.Cannot specify
, as this op would be redundant.
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.reshard Method
Reshards the input tensor with the specified sharding, which is different from the input tensor's existing sharding.
Both ShardingConstraintOp and ReshardOp attach a sharding to a tensor. Their lifespan is:
Before sharding propagation, ShardingConstraintOp is added by users.
Sharding propagation consumes ShardingConstraintOp. There is no ShardingConstraintOp in the results of sharding propagation. Instead, ReshardOp may be added if needed.
A partitioner converts a ReshardOp into a collective op (or an identity op). There should be no ReshardOp in the results of the partitioner.
// TODO(b/331680067). Add a canonicalization pattern to remove redundant // reshard ops.
sourceReactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.sharding_constraint Method
Attaches a sharding to an intermediate tensor (e.g. the result of a matmul) to indicate that this is how that tensor, or a subset of its uses, should be sharded.
If the sharding has open dimensions and unconstraint axes, it means the tensor can be further sharded along the open dimensions.
This op can either:
Have no uses (dangling) - which means the attached sharding is how the input tensor itself should be sharded.
Have uses - which means the attached sharding is how the uses of the sharding constraint op should be sharded, while other uses of the input tensor might have a different sharding (if the input tensor has no other uses then the behavior is the same as the no uses case).
Reactant.MLIR.Dialects.sdy.sharding_group Method
This op provides an interface to assign tensors to sharding groups ( groups of tensors that will be enforced to have identical shardings). During propagation, as soon as one group element is sharded, all other members will be sharded in exactly the same way. This operation takes the argument group ID and returns no result, but instead modifies the internal sharding group representation to add the input tensor to the group with the given ID.